Bottle label mockup
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Authorized Warranty & Non-Warranty Repairs
M-F 10am-5pm
Null glavios istique senectus et netus et malesuada fames dolor amet.
Pickup Wiring and Electronics Modifications. In addition to Amplifier and FX Pedal Repair DAR offers Guitar and Bass Electronics work. Anything from installing pickups to a completely custom wiring harness. Push Pull Pots, Coil Tapping, Mute Switches, Tone Caps, Potentiometers, and Replacement Input jacks DAR has you covered!
Dolor lacus et vulputate nulla commodo sem, at egestas nulla metus vel sapien. Etiam id elit, vel tincidunt nulla ipsum non justo.
Desert Amplifier Repair will have the following holiday hours:
12/24: Open 10am – 1pm
12/25: CLOSED
12/31: CLOSED
DAR wishes you a warm and happy holiday season!